
Firestone Walker Brewing Co. Double Jack – American DIPA at 9.5% ABV

Firestone Walker Brewing Co. Double Jack American DIPA at 9.5% ABV

Pours a clear amber gold with two fingers of fluffy white head diminishing gradually to a thin skim and limited spotty lacing. Nose is tropical fruits, piney hop resin, and sharp citrus. Taste is mango and papaya, pine and citrus, perfectly balanced with medium malt. Medium to heavy and chewy on the palate, with a lingering resiny bitterness.

Really, really good. Nose and taste are pretty much bang-on dead nuts perfect examples of the style, with neither hops nor malt overwhelming the palate or distracting from the other. My (very minor) objections are aesthetic: I’d’ve liked better retention in the head, more lacing, and more sustained carbonation to lighten the mouth feel.

9.5/10 #ryansbooze