
Big Rock Brewery Big Rock India Pale Ale – English IPA at 5.5% ABV

Big Rock Brewery Big Rock India Pale Ale English IPA at 5.5% ABV

Pours a clear amber with a short-lived off-white head and spotty lacing. Nose is dominated by biscuity malt, with only very faint hop aroma. Taste is sweet malt with only a hint of citrus. Mouth feel is medium bodied with low carbonation and a bitter finish.

Oh dear. This is about as much an IPA as Alexander Keith’s “IPA” – which is to say, not at all. Disappointing aroma, no hop profile to speak of, and a malt dominated flavour, with the bitter finish being the one high note. This is more like an English Bitter or Pale Ale than an IPA. I really can’t recommend this much above a macro adjunct lager.

4.5/10 #ryansbooze