
Epic Brewing Company Epic Hop Zombie – American Imperial/Double IPA at 8.5% ABV

Epic Brewing Company Epic Hop Zombie American Imperial/Double IPA at 8.5% ABV

Pours a clear orange gold with a loose, soapy two finger white head diminishing rapidly to a thin skim around the edge, and no lacing. Nose is strongly hoppy, resiny pine and grapefruit, herbal and floral, but with noticeable malt in the background. Taste is emphatically hoppy, with pine resin dominating a little citrus and caramel malt. Medium to light body and slippery, with low carbonation and a long, lingering bitter finish with mild warming.

A bit of a palate wrecker, but still possessing a noticeable malt backbone. Definitely a little rough around the edges, but that’s part of its charm.

8/10 #ryansbooze