
Double Trouble Brewing Co. Hops & Robbers – IPA at 5.7% ABV

Double Trouble Brewing Co. Hops & Robbers IPA at 5.7% ABV

Pours a clear golden amber with a fat finger of fluffy white head diminishing rapidly to a thin skim and spotty lacing. Nose is bready malt, slight citrus, mango, and pine. Taste starts moderately sweet, giving way to a slightly dry pineapple finish. Medium to light body, slightly slick, with low sustained carbonation and a decently bitter finish.

I wanted to like this more, I really did. I was starting to get excited about the possibility of a decent craft brewery with an interesting range of products being locally available. This, however, feels like a little bit of a letdown. The finish is not bad at all, but the aroma and flavour just don’t quite have the punch one would expect from an IPA – at least, not from an A/IPA, but to be honest this doesn’t even feel like an English IPA. That being said, it does get a bit better as the pint progresses, so maybe my palate is still a bit blown out by the rye beer I had before this one. Might have to try this one again to give it a fair review.

6.5/10 #ryansbooze