
Big Rock Brewery Cherry Bomber – Fruit Beer at 5.0% ABV

Big Rock Brewery Cherry Bomber Fruit Beer at 5.0% ABV

Pours a slightly hazy pinkish deep gold with two fingers of fluffy off-white head diminishing gradually to a thin cap and no lacing. Nose is muted, wheat, sour cherry, light malt, faint yeast and grassy hops. Taste is grainy malt, faint sugary cherry, very mild yeast and hops. Medium body, low sustained carbonation, and a slightly metallic aftertaste.

Well, I went into this not expecting much, and I wasn’t disappointed. No, wait, I was disappointed, but not exactly surprised. But I was smugly pleased with myself for predicting my disappointment and lack of surprise, so that’s good, I guess?

5/10 #ryansbooze