
Big Rock Brewery Abandoned Abbey – Belgian Strong Dark Ale at 9.2% ABV

Big Rock Brewery Abandoned Abbey Belgian Strong Dark Ale at 9.2% ABV ($6.45 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits)

Pours a clear amber-brown with a short, short-lived off-white head, no lacing. Nose is dark fruits, toffee, and Belgian yeast (faint cloves). Taste is sweetly malty, moderate bitter. Medium to heavy body, low sustained carbonation, with an off-dry, slightly boozy finish.

Hey! Big Rock nailed one! I know I’ve been a bit hard on some of their recent offerings, but to be fair, they really weren’t all that great. You’ve got to expect some growing pains when you step outside your comfort zone and start producing the same styles as world-class established brands, and their Belgian styles really haven’t been anything too exciting. But this? This is all right. Not my favourite style, but as the weather cools, I become more amenable to fruitcake in a glass, and that’s what you get here. I think it’s actually better than e.g. Floreffe Prima, and that’s actually from Belgium, so well done there! I’d call it just a little bit short of e.g. Delrium Nocturnum or a Chimay Blue – definitely a respectable BSDA.

8/10 #ryansbooze