
Budějovický Budvar Czechvar – Czech Pilsner (Světlý) at 5% ABV

Budějovický Budvar Czechvar Czech Pilsner (Světlý) at 5% ABV ($3.22 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits)

Pours clear straw with a short, short-lived white head, minimal lacing (3/5). Nose is pale malt and grassy hops (6/10). Taste is mild to moderate sweet followed by mild bitter (7/10). Light crisp body, prickly carbonation dropping to moderate, with a dry bitter finish (3/5).

As lagers go, not bad at all. The Czech pilsner is light, crisp, and dry, with none of the rice or corn adjunct flavours that make North American lagers so utterly vile. You can see the family resemblance, sure – but this is the successful cousin, not the unemployable layabout in the wife beater. I could see drinking a very large number of these under a tent somewhere, preferably with live music and large chunks of some mammal or other being singed over open flame. Needs to be drunk cold and quick – it does not improve with warming, or if one lets the carbonation drop. (12/20)

My 114th from the 2010 Edition of 1001 Beers, 107th by the 2013 Edition, and 117th overall.

6/10 #1001beers #ryansbooze