
Microbrasserie Charlevoix Dominus Vobiscum Hibernus – Belgian Strong Dark Ale

Microbrasserie Charlevoix Dominus Vobiscum Hibernus Belgian Strong Dark Ale at 10% ABV ($15.41 via Beer Club Offering #12)

Pours clear amber-brown with two fingers of light beige head diminishing gradually to a thick cap, minimal lacing (4/5). Nose is… complex. Pureed peaches, sugary malt, dark fruit, spice (8/10). Taste is moderate to strong sweet malt, moderate bitter, distinct sour/metallic edge (7/10). Medium body, smooth, soft carbonation, with a lingering bitter finish and gentle alcohol warming (4/5).

That’s a big, complicated, not entirely approachable beer. The nose is utterly unlike anything else I can remember trying, and my wife disagrees, but once I came up with “baby food peaches”, that’s where I stayed. There’s an edge on the flavour that is definitely unexpected and not entirely welcome – I’m going with “sour” but it could less charitably be called “metallic”. Not entirely sure on this one – have several to cellar, and maybe that’s the right approach. As it stands right now, and for the price, not a clear home run. (15/20)

7.5/10 #ryansbooze