
Village Brewery Brünette – Dunkelweizen at 5.5% ABV

Village Brewery Brünette Dunkelweizen at 5.5% ABV (Gift, 330ml, bottle date 9-Oct-2014)

Pours hazy brown with one finger of tan head diminishing gradually to a thin skim, spotty lacing. (3/5) Nose is muted, some bubblegum and bananas, doughy yeast, cloves. (6/10) Taste is moderate sweet, mild bitter. (6/10) Medium to light body, moderate carbonation, malty sweet finish. (3/5)

Nice coffee tones from the dark malt in a surprisingly light body for the colour. It’s no Weihenstephaner or Erdinger, but it’s not bad with dinner. Decent product from a local brewer, and if I had someone to share with, I’d probably try one or two of their other styles in a growler. (12/20)

6/10 #ryansbooze