
8 Wired Brewing Co. Tall Poppy – American Amber/Red Ale at 7.0% ABV

8 Wired Brewing Co. Tall Poppy American Amber/Red Ale at 7.0% ABV

Pours a deep ruby with a loose finger of off-white head diminishing rapidly to a thin skim and spotty lacing. Nose is caramel malt, floral and herbal hops, slight fruit. Taste follows suit, with caramel leading the way and a bitter finish. Medium body and moderate carbonation, slick and slightly syrupy, with a dry finish.

Fairly middle of the road IPA, with a little more sweetness than I prefer. The floral/herbal hop profile is also less my preference than the pine/citrus side of the hop spectrum. That said, it’s a decent enough example of a hoppy red ale.

7.5/10 #ryansbooze