
Lagunitas Brewing Company Lagunitas IPA – American IPA at 6.2% ABV

Lagunitas Brewing Company Lagunitas IPA American IPA at 6.2% ABV

Pours a clear straw gold with three fingers of fluffy head on a moderately aggressive pour, good retention and moderate sticky lacing. Nose is light – pine and floral hop, and sweet malt in the background. Taste is pleasantly bitter up front, followed by sweet malt. Mouth feel tends to the light, with light sustained carbonation.

Decent IPA without the emphatic presence of their higher ABV products like Maximus, Little Sumpin, or Hop Stoopid, but still possessing sufficent hops to keep me interested. Fairly sessionable, actually, with a decent bitter finish.

8/10 #ryansbooze