
Wychwood Brewery Company Ltd Dr. Thirsty’s No. 4 Blonde – American Blond Ale at 4.1% ABV

Wychwood Brewery Company Ltd Dr. Thirsty’s No. 4 Blonde American Blond Ale at 4.1% ABV

Pours a clear straw gold with a fat finger of loose, soapy head diminishing rapidly to a thin skim, minimal lacing. Nose is pale malt, yeast, hint of fruit, suggestion of adjuncts. Taste is similar, biscuit malt and weak hops, bitter finish. Body is light and watery, with moderate to low carbonation.

Boring, weak, watery, and bitter. Very little of the promised fruit, and nothing to recommend it. An awful lot like a cheap adjunct lager.

4/10 #ryansbooze