
Brasserie Artisanale Meduz Meduz Ambrée – American Amber / Bière de Garde at 6.0% ABV

Brasserie Artisanale Meduz Meduz Ambrée American Amber / Bière de Garde at 6.0% ABV

Pours a clear medium amber with one finger of loose white head diminishing rapidly to a thin skim and no lacing. Nose is dominated by caramel malt, with a little yeast. Taste is sweet caramel with little hoppiness to speak of, and slightly spicy. Medium body and mild sustained carbonation, with a crisp, bitter finish.

Slightly more interesting than a domestic amber/red, but not by a whole lot. A solid work-a-day performer.

6.5/10 #ryansbooze