
Double Trouble Brewing Co. Prison Break Breakout Pilsner – Pilsner at 5.0% ABV

Double Trouble Brewing Co. Prison Break Breakout Pilsner Pilsner at 5.0% ABV

Pours a clear gold with a fluffy two finger head on an aggressive pour, decent retention and spotty lacing. Nose is biscuity malt, light grass and herbal hops, faint honey. Taste starts mildly sweet before giving way to a lingering moderate bitter finish. Body is light even though carbonation is a little low, tending to the watery.

Not a bad pilsner, but even a good pilsner is only a pilsner – which is to say, you pretty much expect it to be fizzy, yellow, and watery. Decent enough thirst quencher with dinner, and certainly better than a macro adjunct lager.

6/10 #ryansbooze

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