Brasserie Artisanale De Rulles SPRL La Rullés Cuvée Meilleurs Voeux (Bière De Gaume) Belgian Strong Dark Ale at 7.3% ABV
Pours a slightly hazy medium brown with a fluffy two finger tan head, great retention, and moderate sticky lacing. Nose is dark fruit, chocolate, brown sugar, cola. Taste starts out sweet and slightly tart, finishes moderately bitter and slightly tart, with a little spiciness. Medium body and slightly slick, with moderate to low carbonation, with a bitter slightly warming finish.
Yes, OK, it’s a wintereenmas beer, fine. I have to start paying more attention to expiry dates in my bottle shops – this one had a best before of February 2014 but I bought it in June. There’s no significant hop profile in this, but perhaps that can be attributed to being past its recommended maximum age of eighteen months. That being said, it doesn’t seem off in any way. An inoffensive Belgian dark, malt dominated and easy drinking.
7.5/10 #ryansbooze