
Allagash Brewing Company Allagash White – Witbier at 5.1% ABV

Allagash Brewing Company Allagash White Witbier at 5.1% ABV

Pours a cloudy but bright straw yellow with a short white head settling down rapidly to a thin cap and minimal lacing. Nose is muted wheat, coriander, yeast, banana, and orange peel. Taste is predominantly light sweet wheat on the front end, finishing with a mild spice. Medium to full body and sustained slightly prickly carbonation, with a clean, off-dry, slightly tart finish.

Decent witbier, definitely a good one for a summer evening on the patio. I haven’t had the greatest of success with witbiers, making this one the best so far out of an admittedly mediocre lot.

7.5/10 #ryansbooze