
Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat NV Maredsous 10 – Tripel at 10.0% ABV

Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat NV Maredsous 10 Tripel at 10.0% ABV

Pours a slightly hazy copper amber with a fat finger of frothy white head, great retention and heavy lacing. Nose is mild, dark fruit and Belgian yeast, some citrus, and faint bubblegum. Taste is similar, with some toffee malt and spice. Medium to thick body, with a somewhat fluffy texture and a sticky, warming alcohol finish.

Sweet and tending towards the heavy, this is a big beer. Although I prefer dry and floral tripels over malty ones, this is pretty decent.

My 98th from the 2010 Edition of 1001 Beers, 92nd by the 2013 Edition, and 101st overall.

8.0/10 #1001beers #ryansbooze