
Coronado Brewing Company Sock Knocker – Imperial/Double IPA at 8.5% ABV

Coronado Brewing Company Sock Knocker Imperial/Double IPA at 8.5% ABV

Pours a slightly hazy medium gold with one finger of white head diminishing gradually to a thin skim, moderate lacing. Nose is emphatic pine and citrus hops backed up with mild bready malts. Taste is pine resin and citrus hops balanced nicely with a mild caramel sweetness. Medium body, moderate slightly tingly carbonation, and lingering spicy bitterness.

Nice! Hops fill the room the instant the bottle is uncapped. Loads of hops on the nose and the tongue make this an IIPA of the hop-forward variety (which we all know is the best variety). Consider my socks knocked, if not off, at least loose.

8.5/10 #ryansbooze