BrewDog Punk IPA American IPA at 5.6% ABV
Pours a hazy gold with one finger of ivory head diminishing gradually to a thin skim, well-defined lacing. Nose is bright citrusy and floral hops and very little malt. Taste is similar, pine resin and pineapple, grapefruit and mango, with a moderate but not overwhelming pale malt background. Body is light to medium, with medium carbonation and a lingering bitter finish.
I’d love to try this fresher, this being three months past its best before, but the fact is, the hops are still reasonably bright even so. Pleasantly hoppy, without being a palate wrecker.
My 106th from the 2010 Edition of 1001 Beers, 100th by the 2013 Edition, and 109th overall.