Brasserie McAuslan St-Ambroise Apricot Wheat Ale Fruit Beer at 5% ABV ($3.49 from Quarry Park Co-Op)
Pours clear medium gold with a short finger of loose off-white head diminishing rapidly to nothing, no lacing. Nose is overwhelmingly apricot, with faint hints of wheat, yeast, and pale malt. Taste starts low to moderately sweet, giving way to mild bitter and a lingering apricot flavour. Light body, initially prickly champagne-like carbonation settles to moderate sustained levels, and an off-dry finish.
Not bad but I’m less than convinced. On the up side, it doesn’t actually taste fake. The sweetness is actually pretty restrained, preventing it from becoming syrupy or sickly. All things considered, I wouldn’t turn one down on a hot day – but it’s not their best, not by a long margin.
6.5/10 #ryansbooze