Hofbräuhaus München Hofbräu Original Dortmunder/Helles at 5.1% ABV ($5.78 via Beer Club Offering #13)
Pours clear straw with two plus fingers of loose white head diminishing gradually to a thin cap, moderate patchy lacing (4/5). Nose is biscuity malt, grassy hops, and fruit (apple/grape) (6/10). Taste is mild to moderate sweet, mild to moderate bitter (5/10). Light body, moderate to low sustained carbonation, with an off-dry bitter finish (3/5).
See, what I like most about this, is that it reminds me of being in the Hofbräuhaus München. With a beer as big as my head in one hand, and a pretzel as big as my head in the other. Listening to the oompah band. While my nine-month old dances on the table to the delight of the German patrons. Other than that, it’s a pretty standard Helles lager – fairly light in body and character, with no offensive adjunct flavourings. (12/20)