Brouwerij Lindemans Framboise Lambic Lambic Style – Fruit at 2.5% ABV ($6.64 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits, 355ml, no bottle date or best before)
Pours clear deep ruby red with one finger of rocky pink head, great retention, moderate lacing. (4/5) Nose is strong raspberry and other red berries, some wild yeast funk. (7/10) Taste is strong sweet, stronger tart sourness. (7/10) Medium body, high to moderate sustained carbonation, tart finish. (4/5)
Surprisingly good, given the high levels of sweetness – it’s so tart that the sweetness never becomes cloying, and the high to moderate carbonation keeps it from becoming too syrupy. Fairly simple flavours, all things considered, but quite pleasant and mouth-puckeringly tart. The intense raspberry flavour never comes across as artificial or medicinal. Quite enjoyable despite being a little unidimensional. Seems like it could be an interesting base or float for mixing something else, like a chocolate stout, perhaps? The low ABV makes this a perfect “anytime” drink, if you don’t mind the price tag. (15/20)
7.5/10 #ryansbooze