Gueuzerie Tilquin Oude Gueze Tilquin à l’Ancienne Gueuze at 6.4% ABV ($10.44 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits, 375ml, best before 6-Feb-2024)
Pours slightly hazy (first glass) to cloudy (second glass) pale gold with one finger of loose foamy head diminishing gradually to a dense half finger cap, spotty lacing. (4/5) Nose is dusty barnyard funk, green apple, lemon, woody and vinous notes. (9/10) Taste is mild to moderate sweet, strong tart, mild funk. (9/10) Light body, prickly to moderate carbonation, very dry tart funky finish. (4/5)
OK, I figured I’d do this one a precursor to the Quetsche, and kinda forgot that I had reviewed it before. But it’s so good, there’s not much harm in me reviewing it again! Not much negative to say here: great depth of flavour, well-behaved funk, and immense tartness cut only slightly by the mild sweetness. I’m fairly convinced I can smell and taste the Cantillon lambic component in this. Much as I love tartness, though, I think it’s just the tiniest bit unbalanced, with a bit too much emphasis on the tart overwhelming the more subtle aspects. (18/20)