Brewery de Block Satan Red Belgian Strong Pale Ale at 8% ABV (C$4.12 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits, 330 ml, best before 30-Sep-2018)
Pours hazy pale amber with a thin light beige head diminishing rapidly to nothing, no lacing. (3/5) Nose is peaches, citrus, caramel malt, Belgian yeast. (6/10) Taste is moderately strong sweet, mild bitter. (6/10) Medium bodied, prickly to medium carbonation, mildly warming finish. (4/5)
An OK BSPA. The flavours are simultaneously a little boring, and a little harsh, and the sweetness is a bit overpowering. It does, however, do a decent job of hiding the ABV, so there’s that? Not really doing it for me. (12/20)