Brouwerij Dilewyns Vicaris Tripel Abbey Tripel at 8.5% ABV (C$4.49 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits, 330 ml, best before 10-Sep-2016)
Pours hazy pale gold with two fingers of rocky white head, excellent retention and lacing. (4/5) Nose is bready malt, coriander, tropical fruit, red berries, slight citrus. (8/10) Taste is moderate sweet, moderate bitter.
8/10) Medium bodied, moderate carbonation, lingering bitter finish. (4/5)
Oh yeah, I like this. Initially, this doesn’t seem all that much like the Generaal. (According to the brewer “The only difference between them is that the Tripel is brewed with one malt variety and Generaal with three.”) But after a couple of sips, the similarities become more apparent – I guess they really are brothers from a different mother. Nice depth of flavour that definitely grows on you, very pleasant Belgian. (16/20)