Evil Twin Brewing I Love You With My Stout Imperial Stout at 12% ABV (C$$4.44 via Beer Club Offering #15, 355 ml, bottle date 31-Dec-2014)
Pours deep brown with deep amber highlights, one finger of dense beige head, good retention and lacing. (4/5) Nose is roasty malt, dark chocolate, liquorice, dark fruit, nutty and vinous. (8/10) Taste is moderately strong sweet, moderately strong bitter. (8/10) Full body, moderate carbonation, slick and warming finish. (4/5)
Starts off with a sweet, almost honey-like, dark malt, giving way to vinous dark fruits and finishing with a lingering bitter and alcohol warming. That’s not to say the double-digit ABV is intrusive, because it certainly isn’t. Flavours are complex, changing and opening up as it warms. Big and bombastic, for sure, but not overly hot even when young. I’m going to cellar one and see how it develops. (16/20)