Boulevard Brewing Co. Smokestack Series Harvest Dance Wheat Wine at 8.6% ABV (C$15.49 at Quarry Park Co-Op, 750 ml, best before 1-Jul-2015)
Pours hazy (first glass) to heavily particulate-laden (last glass) pale gold with one finger of soapy white head diminishing gradually to a thick cap, patchy moderate lacing. (3/5) Nose is doughy wheat, mild banana and other fruit, oak, lightly boozy. (8/10) Taste is moderate sweet, mild bitter, very mild tart. (7/10) Medium body, soft carbonation, slightly oily, dry and slightly boozy finish. (4/5)
Not hot, but gently warming, particularly in the belly. Despite the moderately high IBU (42) I’m not getting a lot of identifiable hop character, and the bitterness is quite mild and well-integrated into the overall profile. Quite drinkable despite the beefy ABV. (15/20)
7.5/10 #ryansbooze