Parallel 49 / Moon Under Water Brews Brothers Boom Boom Boom Triple Hop Belgian Tripel Tripel at 9.0% ABV (C$2.63 at Andrew Hilton Wine & Spirits, 341 ml, bottle date 20-Feb-2015)
Pours clear pale straw with a thin white head diminishing gradually to a thin skim, minimal lacing. (3/5) Nose is banana, coriander, bready yeast, mild citrus. (5/10) Taste is mild sweet, mild bitter. (5/10) Light body, moderate to low carbonation, off-dry, sticky, and mildly bitter finish. (3/5)
To be honest, I went into this worried what kind of mess they’d make of one of my favourite styles. And no, they didn’t nail it – not even close – but at least it’s not a complete dog’s breakfast. It’s nowhere near dry enough, and if that’s “triple hopped”, well, I’d hate to see single. One thing it does do well, though, is integrate the ABV: there’s hardly any heat at all, except towards the very end of the glass, and for a near double-digit ABV that’s no mean feat. (10/20)