Epic Brewing Exponential Series Sour Apple Saison Saison at 8.1% ABV (US$8.99 at Total Wines & More, Henderson NV, 650 ml, Release #26 Brew date 6/20/13 Pack Date 7/12/13)
Appearance: clear pale straw with one fat finger of loose fluffy white head diminishing gradually to a thin cap, moderate lacing. (3/5) Aroma: sweet apples, citrus, mild barnyard funk, spices. (7/10) Taste: moderately strong sweet, mild bitter, moderate tart. (7/10) Palate: light body, lively carbonation, off-dry slightly sweet cinnamon finish. (4/5)
Even more sweet and boozy for a saison than their Straight Up, but still quite drinkable. The apple presence is strong and sweet without being cloying, making this taste very much like a cider. Not as sour as I was hoping, but sufficient to temper the sweetness and still quite pleasant. The spice presence grows as the bottle progresses, with cinnamon eventually coming through loud and clear (though it doesn’t at the outset).The ABV is almost completely hidden, making this a bit of a dangerous brew. Slightly disappointing and inferior to their Straight Up – but only slightly. (14/20)