Brasserie Dupont Moinette Blonde Belgian Strong Pale Ale at 8.5% ABV (€8.70 at Belgian Beer Tradition Rue au Buerre Bruxelles, 750 ml, best before 11/2017)
Appearance: clear pale gold with two fingers of fluffy pure white head, good retention and patchy lacing. (4/5) Aroma: Dupont yeast with saison notes, apple and pear, light citrus, faint herbal. (9/10) Taste: mild sweet, moderate bitter, very mild tart and funk. (8/10) Palate: light body, moderate to lively carbonation, dry crisp finish. (4/5)
Seems to bridge the gap between BSPA and saison, to good effect. A very well-behaved classically Belgian ale that is going down a treat after a hard day’s physical labour in the heat and humidity. It’s also worth pointing out what’s not present: the ABV is very restrained, making this near-double-digit ale quite sessionable. (17/20)
My 199th from the 2010 Edition (187th from the 2013 edition), and 209th combining both editions.
8.5/10 #1001beers #ryansbooze