The Grizzly Paw Brewing Company Evolution IPA American IPA at 6.4% ABV (C$6.99 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits, 650 ml, bottle date 15-Sep-2015)
Appearance: clear pale amber with two fingers of fluffy ivory head, good retention and patchy lacing. (3/5) Aroma: pine, citrus, caramel malt. (7/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate bitter. (7/10) Medium body, moderate carbonation, lingering and building bitter finish. (4/5)
Definitely an improvement over other Grizzly Paw offerings I’ve tried, with the possible exception of their Sour IPA and their Kettle Valley Sour Brown (which I was probably slightly too generous in rating at 7/10 and 8/10, respectively). This one verges on that malt-forward D/IPA character, but doesn’t quite get there, which means it’s pretty well balanced, I guess? A solid but not all that memorable A/IPA – try it if you see it, but don’t lose any sleep over it. (14/20)