Wild Rose Brewery Big DIPA American Double / Imperial IPA at 8.5% ABV (C$7.99 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits, 750 ml, no bottle date or best before)
Appearance: clear pale amber with one fat finger of rocky light tan head, good retention and lacing. (4/5) Aroma: pine, citrus, caramel malt, tropical fruit. (8/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderately strong bitter. (8/10) Medium-full body, moderate carbonation, lingering warming bitter finish. (4/5)
Just a little harsh edge on the finish, but other than that a solid DIPA. Hop forward with a well-balanced malt backing. Really good integration on the ABV, which is almost completely absent other than a warming finish. I’m actually finding myself pretty impressed with Wild Rose lately! (16/20)