Stanley Park Brewing Windstorm West Coast Pale Ale American Pale Ale at 5.7% ABV (C$3.29 at Quarry Park Calgary Co-Op, 500 ml, no bottle date or best before, reviewed 17-Apr-2016)
Appearance: slightly hazy deep gold with two fingers of rocky ivory head, good retention and lacing. (4/5) Aroma: grapefruit, tropical fruit, pale grainy malt, light pine. (7/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate bitter. (6/10) Palate: medium body tending to watery, moderate carbonation, off-dry lingering bitter finish. (3/5)
Not bad. Smells almost like it’s going to be a full-on IPA, actually, but the flavour and mouth feel are more in keeping with the APA style. That’s not entirely a good thing, mind – in some ways, it does come across as just a slightly watered-down IPA. All in all, though, it’s an enjoyable pint. (Surprisingly enjoyable, if you consider it’s an ABInBev product!) (14/20)