
Red Collar Brewing Co. Red Collar White IPA – Belgian IPA at 6.5% ABV

Red Collar Brewing Co. Red Collar White IPA Belgian IPA at 6.5% ABV (C$7.25 at Sundance Wine Market, 650 ml, no bottle date or best before, acquired 28-May-2016, reviewed 30-May-2016)

Appearance: cloudy pale gold with one fat finger of fluffy off-white head, excellent retention and moderate lacing. (3/5) Aroma: herbal/floral, diacetyl, citrus, caramel. (3/10) Taste: moderate-low sweet, moderate bitter. (3/10) Medium body, moderate carbonation, off-dry lingering bitter finish. (3/5)

Woof. Bit of a train wreck. Butter’s got no place in an IPA (or any beer, really). Starts out mediocre and gets worse from there. I was cautiously optimistic about these guys after trying their IPA, but this is just a mess. (8/20)

4/10 #ryansbooze
