
Cannery Brewing Company Drupaceous Apricot Wheat Ale – Fruit / Vegetable Beer at 5% ABV

Cannery Brewing Company Drupaceous Apricot Wheat Ale Fruit / Vegetable Beer at 5% ABV (C$5.79 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits, 650 ml, no bottle date or best before, acquired 23-Jul-2016, reviewed 25-Jul-2016)

Appearance: cloudy pale gold with two fingers of loose off-white head, good retention and lacing. (3/5) Aroma: apricot, wheat malt, lemongrass. (6/10) Taste: moderate sweet, mild bitter, mild tart. (6/10) Medium-light body, moderate carbonation, off-dry lightly tart and slightly astringent finish. (3/5)

“Drupaceous,” huh? I think there’s a pill for that… a little blue one… (Yes, I know it refers to stone fruit – maybe you even knew that apricots, peaches and cherries are all drupes. But did you know coffee is too?) I guess it’s pretty much what it says on the label – apricot and wheat, and that’s pretty much it, without much complexity to speak of. A little bit plain and a little bit astringent, but not unpleasant. (12/20)

6/10 #ryansbooze
