Evil Twin Brewing / Crooked Stave Artisan Beer Project Ryan and the Gosling Sour / Wild Ale at 4% ABV (C$15.70 at Sherbrooke Liquor, 650 ml, no bottle date or best before, acquired 17-Dec-2016, reviewed 12-Jan-2017)
Appearance: clear straw with one fat finger of growing white head, excellent retention and clingy lacing. (5/5) Aroma: dusty straw, lemon zest, tropical fruit, pale malt, light earth. (7/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate bitter, light funk. (7/10) Palate: light body, moderate carbonation, mildly bitter and funky finish. (4/5)
Nice. Brett-dominant, without being overwhelmingly funky. (Not that there’s anything wrong with overwhelmingly funky, y’unnerstand, just that sometimes it’s nice to go in a slightly different direction.) This is basically a citrusy APA, except with Brett instead of more traditional yeasts. The Brett bookends the flavour profile, coming into play at both the front and in the finish, but the middle is basically a balanced hoppy APA. It could be a crushable patio-style APA if it weren’t so expensive! (15/20)
7.5/10 #ryansbooze ryansbooze.com