Canmore Brewing Company Railway Avenue Rye IPA American IPA at 6% ABV | 60 IBU (C$3.00 at Oak & Vine, 473 ml, bottle date 10-Feb-2017, acquired 27-Mar-2017, reviewed 31-Mar-2017)
Appearance: clear pale amber with two fingers of fluffy ivory head diminishing rapidly to a thick cap, patchy lacing. (3/5) Aroma: floral, citrus, spicy rye, caramel malt. (7/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate bitter, mild spice. (7/10) Palate: medium body, moderate carbonation, off-dry mildly bitter and spicy finish. (3/5)
Bonus points right off the hop for a brand-new local brewery to be dating their beers! Yay! (And I note that I’ve got lot 0002A – extra bonus points for the sheer chutzpa in thinking they needed a lot numbering system capable of accommodating twenty-six thousand lots. {Yes, I know 9999 times 26 is 259974 – but you could start your numbering at 0000A. So there.}) A friend of mine who lives in Canmore told me he recently picked up some cans at the brewery still labelled “Test Brew”, which gives you some idea of how early in the development curve this thing is. And, it’s not bad. Personally, I prefer a bigger rye bite in a Rye IPA, but there’s something to be said for understated, I guess. The rye does build and linger, giving a finish that grows in spiciness as the pint progresses. Yes, I’ve had better Rye IPAs, but this ain’t ‘arf bad. (14/20)
7/10 #ryansbooze