Russian River Brewing Company Blind Pig American IPA at 6.25% ABV | 70 IBU (US$5.45 at Russian River Brewing Company, 510 ml, packaged on 9-Jun-2017, acquired 18-Jun-2017, reviewed 20-Jun-2017)
Appearance: clear pale gold with one finger of fluffy white head diminishing gradually to a thin skim, moderate lacing. (3/5) Aroma: resiny pine, pithy citrus, caramel malt, grass, floral. (9/10) Taste: moderate sweet, high bitter. (9/10) Medium body, moderate carbonation, off-dry bitter oily finish. (4/5)
Now, that is how you do an IPA: big bitter, with just enough caramel malt for support. Slightly dank resiny pine hops lead the way over pithy citrus that coats the tongue like orange peel oils. I’d like to see better retention and lacing, but otherwise this is really exceptional. (17/20)
8.5/10 #ryansbooze