
Port Rexton Brewing Company Ten Eighty Belgian Tripel – Tripel at 8.2% ABV | 40 IBU

Port Rexton Brewing Company Ten Eighty Belgian Tripel Tripel at 8.2% ABV | 40 IBU (Via trade – thanks Shorlin!, 500 ml, no packaging date or best before, acquired 28-Jun-2017, reviewed 17-Aug-2017)

Appearance: clear medium amber with a short, short-lived loose off-white head, minimal lacing. (3/5) Aroma: apple, stone fruit, caramel, floral, light spice. (7/10) Taste: moderate-high sweet, moderate bitter, light tart. (7/10) Palate: medium slightly slick body, lively to moderate carbonation, off-dry lightly warming bitter finish. (3/5)

I’m not entirely sold on this. It tends to the emphatic side for a Tripel, but has the concomitant malt emphasis that I can frankly do without. Ultimately, it ends up being sweeter than I prefer for the style. That being said, it’s a pleasant enough beer on its own merits, if we ignore the label. In fact, since it was obviously intended as a Winter Warmer (brewed in early 2017, hand-numbered bottle #511, “to enjoy during these long cold Newfoundland nights”) I probably would have rated it at least slightly higher had they called it that, instead of a Tripel. As it is, a solid if unmemorable Tripel. (14/20)

7/10 #ryansbooze