Brouwerij Van Steenberge Gulden Draak 9000 Quadruple Abt / Quadrupel at 10.5% ABV | 25 IBU (C$4.99 at Oak & Vine, 330 ml, best before 21-Oct-2018, acquired 22-Aug-2017, reviewed 11-Oct-2017)
Appearance: clear medium amber with two fingers of fluffy ivory head, good retention and moderate lacing. (4/5) Aroma: caramel, dark fruit, bready yeast, spices. (8/10) Taste: moderate-high sweet, moderate bitter. (8/10) Medium-full slightly slick body, moderate carbonation, sweetish warming finish. (4/5)
Quite pale for a Quad, and I was surprised at how much lighter it was than the base Gulden Draak – if anything, I was sort of expecting something heavier, given the “9000” appellation. I’m not exactly disappointed by this, but I find it to be just a bit less deep and complex than the base Gulden Draak, and just a bit too light in body and flavour for the style. Still, though, an enjoyable sipper. (16/20)
8/10 #ryansbooze