
Logsdon Farmhouse Ales Szech ‘n Brett – Saison at 6.5% ABV

Logsdon Farmhouse Ales Szech ‘n Brett Saison at 6.5% ABV (C$18.25 at Andrew Hilton Wine & Spirits, 750 ml, best before 31-Mar-2021, acquired 22-Nov-2017, reviewed 30-Dec-2017)

Appearance: clear straw with one finger of loose white head, good retention and moderate soapy lacing. (4/5) Aroma: green chillies, lemon, pale malt, floral, light barnyardy funk. (8/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate bitter, mild tart, light funk. (8/10) Palate: light body, moderate-lively carbonation, dry tart lightly funky and spicy finish. (4/5)

Given the name, I was expecting a boatload of spice – and, it’s there, but in a very even-handed and pleasant amount. In fact, it’s more apparent on the nose than on the tongue. The same is true for the Brett, which contributes a light barnyardy funk and a dry finish. All in all, very well-behaved. It’s a bit high-gravity for sessioning, but the dry finish and mild spice certainly invite just that. This is good stuff, and corroborates the good opinion I formed of this brewery based on two others, a Saison and a Witbier. (16/20)

8/10 #ryansbooze