
Breakside Brewery Rainbows & Unicorns – American IPA at 7% ABV

Breakside Brewery Rainbows & Unicorns American IPA at 7% ABV (C$10.99 at Oak & Vine, 650 ml, no packaging date or best before, acquired 19-Jul-2018, reviewed 21-Jul-2018)

Appearance: clear pale gold with one finger of fluffy white head diminishing gradually to a thin skim, moderate spotty lacing. (3/5) Aroma: pithy citrus, pine, crackery pale malt, floral. (8/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate-low bitter. (8/10) Palate: medium body tending slightly thin, moderate carbonation, off-dry mild bitter finish. (4/5)

I continue to be shocked that Breakside doesn’t date their product. Dudes. Seriously? Not to mention, what is the actual ABV for this thing? Because the label doesn’t specify, the Alberta import sticky says 7%, the brewery web site says 5.1%, Untappd says 5.2%, and BeerAdvocate says 4.7%. So, what, pick the one you prefer? All in all, I think I believe the five-ish number, and not the trust-us-we’re-from-the-government seven. And yeah, rainbows and unicorns sound all well and good, but I’ll tell you one thing: that Bojack Horseman-looking motherfucker has seen some shit, and/or is tweaking pretty hard. (16/20)

8/10 #ryansbooze