
Founders Brewing Company Dankwood – American Double / Imperial IPA at 12.2% ABV | 65 IBU

Founders Brewing Company Dankwood American Double / Imperial IPA at 12.2% ABV | 65 IBU (C$7.99 at Oak & Vine, 330 ml, packaged on 10-Apr-2018, acquired 19-Jul-2018, reviewed 18-Oct-2018)

Appearance: clear reddish-tinged amber-brown with three fingers of fine ivory head, excellent retention and heavy droopy lacing. (5/5) Aroma: sweet caramel, vanilla, bourbon, dank resin, red berries. (8/10) Taste: high sweet, high bitter. (8/10) Palate: medium slightly slick body, moderate carbonation, sticky lingering and building bitter warming finish. (4/5)

Woof. Huge barrel notes and boozy warmth nearly overwhelm everything else. Not a criticism, but it definitely tastes every bit of its double-barrelled ABV. Considering the barrel notes and weight, the sweetness might not be inappropriate, as such, but it’s still higher than I’d like it to be. If sticky and dessert-like is your thing, you’ll enjoy this. (17/20)

8.5/10 #ryansbooze