Railyard Brewing Nitro Stout American Stout at 5.5% ABV (2018 Craft Beer Advent Calendar #24, 473 ml, no packaging date or best before, acquired 30-Nov-2018, reviewed 24-Dec-2018)
Appearance: clear deep brown with lighter relief around the margins, one finger of fine beige head diminishing gradually to a thick cap, spotty lacing. (4/5) Aroma: chocolate, coffee, molasses, nuts, ash, anise. (7/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate bitter. (7/10) Medium-full slightly creamy body, soft carbonation, dry medium duration bitter finish. (4/5)
And so this year’s calendar comes to a close, with a selection that is at least somewhat seasonally-appropriate. Given the “Nitro” moniker, I was expecting a creamier body, as well as better head development and retention, but I guess the absence of a widget limits how effective the nitro can be. I’m guessing it’s a lot better on a nitro tap, but it’s not bad as it stands. (15/20)
7.5/10 #ryansbooze ryansbooze.com