Beau’s All Natural Brewing Company Wild Oats Series: Jänis Sahti at 7% ABV | 17 IBU (C$6.23 at NLC Stavanger, 600 ml, packaged on 5-Nov-2018, acquired 31-Dec-2018, reviewed 5-Jan-2019)
Appearance: slightly hazy deep gold with one fat finger of rocky white head, good retention and moderate soapy lacing. (4/5) Aroma: grainy caramel, berries, citrus, hint of smoke. (6/10) Taste: moderate-high sweet, moderate bitter, mild spice. (6/10) Palate: medium body, moderate carbonation, slightly sticky medium duration mildly warming finish. (4/5)
Not a lot of juniper character to speak of – certainly not as much gin-like character as I was hoping for. There’s berry notes, but not clearly juniper. Fairly lager-like, actually, but with a more emphatic warming character that seems to be derived equal parts from alcohol and spice. I think this might be my first Sahti, so I don’t know how representative of the style it might be. Certainly it’s not terrible, and an interesting change, but not one I’d go back to. (14/20)
7/10 #ryansbooze