Eighty-Eight Brewing Tiffany Rosé Saison Saison at 8.0% ABV | 24 IBU (C$6.52 at Collective, 500 ml, packaged on 1-Dec-2018, acquired 13-Feb-2019, reviewed 4-Apr-2019)
Appearance: clear pale golden-pink with two fat fingers of fluffy pale pink head, excellent retention and chunky soapy lacing. (5/5) Aroma: Belgian esters, dry hay funk, vinous grape, light floral. (8/10) Taste: moderate bitter, moderate-low sweet, moderate-low tart. (8/10) Palate: medium-light body, moderate carbonation, drying mildly tart finish. (4/5)
This is the second hybrid I’ve had in the past few days, and this one definitely tends more to the beer-like end of the spectrum – which is probably why I like it more. Mind you, the elevated ABV probably plays a role there, too. (And yes, I still consider that to be slightly out of spec for the style, but all in all it’s very well done, manifesting only as a mild warming towards the end of the pint.) Basically, a solid Saison with a touch of vinous grape. (16/20)
8/10 #ryansbooze ryansbooze.com