Brewski Craft Brewing Aprikosfeber American IPA at 6% ABV (C$5.58 at Collective, 330 ml, best before 19-Aug-2020, acquired 29-Aug-2019, reviewed 9-Sep-2019)
Appearance: opaque medium gold with one fat finger of loose pale ivory head diminishing rapidly to nothing, no lacing. (3/5) Aroma: stone fruit, citrus, pale malt, pine, earth. (8/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate bitter, moderate tart. (8/10) Palate: medium body, lively carbonation, juicy medium bitter mildly tart slightly astringent finish. (4/5)
I probably did this in slightly the wrong order, since this appears to be an apricot variant on their original Mangofeber, which I have in the fridge, but haven’t yet tried. I generally prefer to do the original before the variants when possible, but messed it up here. Oh, well.
This is interesting. There’s lots of stone fruit (OK, fine, apricot), meshing well with a hoppy citrus note. That, combined with the opaque orange appearance and lively carbonation, means this pretty much looks, smells, and tastes like a mimosa. Or, more accurately, a beermosa. (What? You haven’t had a beermosa? You should.) Some might find the carbonation excessive, or take exception to the astringency in the finish, but as soon as I made the beermosa connection it all fell into place for me. Aside from the structural quibbles, this is good fun. (15/20)
7.5/10 #ryansbooze