Brewski Craft Brewing Triple Threat American Double / Imperial IPA at 10% ABV (C$6.30 at Collective, 330 ml, best before 16-Oct-2020, acquired 29-Aug-2019, reviewed 15-Sep-2019)
Appearance: opaque slightly muddy and particulate-laden medium gold with a short loose pale ivory head, good retention and minimal spotty lacing. (3/5) Aroma: tropical fruit, caramel, citrus. (8/10) Taste: moderate-high sweet, moderate-high bitter. (8/10) Palate: medium-full body, moderate-low carbonation, lingering bitter warming finish. (4/5)
ZERO idea as to the significance of the label art, other than apparently you think of some freaky shit after a few of these. Which could happen quite easily, because it drinks a helluva lot easier than you might expect given the double-barrelled ABV! They call it a Triple IPA, which I’ve encountered a time or ten, but as that isn’t really a formal style (yet?) I’m classifying it as a DIPA. This looks, smells, and tastes like guava nectar, which isn’t a criticism by any means. I like this, and could probably drink a few… until I fell over, anyway. Which might well happen sooner rather than later, given the aforementioned ABV. (16/20)
8/10 #ryansbooze