Nelson Brewing Company Valhalla – American Pale Ale at 5.2% ABV (C$3.26 at Collective, 473 ml, no packaging date or best before, acquired 14-May-2020, reviewed 21-May-2020)
Appearance: hazy pale gold with two fat fingers of fluffy white head, excellent retention and moderate soapy lacing. (4/5) Aroma: tropical & stone fruit, citrus, pale malt, melon, light pine. (8/10) Taste: moderate bitter, moderate sweet. (8/10) Palate: medium body, moderate-soft carbonation, off-dry short mild bitter finish. (4/5)
A nicely flavourful and robust Pale that most definitely does not fall into the trap of tasting like a watered-down IPA. Reasonably bright and juicy, but also soft and easy-drinking. (16/20)
8/10 #ryansbooze