
Anchorage Brewing Company Nelson Sauvin – Saison at 6.5% ABV

Anchorage Brewing Company Nelson Sauvin – Saison at 6.5% ABV (C$11.47 at Collective, 750 ml, no packaging date or best before, acquired 29-May-2020, reviewed 5-Jun-2020)

Appearance: clear pale straw with two fingers of fluffy white head diminishing gradually to a thin skim, animal spotty lacing. (4/5) Aroma: vinous white grape must, oak, Brett funk, lemon zest, stone fruit, melon, white pepper. (9/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate tart, low bitter. (9/10) Palate: medium-light body, moderate-lively carbonation, dry moderate tart lightly spicy finish. (4/5)

That’s one hell of a nice Saison. The Nelson Sauvin hops come through clearly, and I particularly like the added layering on top of the base oaky Brett, which develops and changes as it warms. Lots of fun. (17/20)

8.5/10 #ryansbooze